Gemma Stephens

Gemma Stephens


Any views and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and should not be assumed in any way to reflect that of the various charitable organisations or individuals mentioned.

Most of the photographs on here are mine and not to be copied . If I've copied someone else's I'll try and remember to give them credit!

Thanks, Gemma Stephens

© Gemma Stephens

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Waterloo is a big town not far from the academy in a taxi and it has a huge market place selling all sorts of things that you just can’t get in Tombo, including monkeys apparently - although Kiwi wasn’t quite so keen after it took a swipe at him!
Whilst we were there we had to shelter in a hairdressers but apparently my hair is too long to put into dread - phew!!
