Gemma Stephens

Gemma Stephens


Any views and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and should not be assumed in any way to reflect that of the various charitable organisations or individuals mentioned.

Most of the photographs on here are mine and not to be copied . If I've copied someone else's I'll try and remember to give them credit!

Thanks, Gemma Stephens

© Gemma Stephens

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Saying Goodbye

I knew before I went that Sierra Leone would have a big impact on me but I really had no idea how big that impact would be.
The people, the scenery, the culture.. I loved every single second. I thought I’d miss the comforts of home, the nice food and tv, but I really didn’t. Out there none of the material things I valued before seem to matter.
I learnt a lot of lessons during my time in Salone, not least that I can make a difference, albeit a small one.
Saying good bye was particularly difficult for me. The tears set in as I boarded the Pelican (water taxi) back to the airport and didn’t really stop until long after I’d taken off.
In such a short space of time Sierra Leone had come to feel like home, and they do say home is where your heart is.