Gemma Stephens

Gemma Stephens


Any views and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own and should not be assumed in any way to reflect that of the various charitable organisations or individuals mentioned.

Most of the photographs on here are mine and not to be copied . If I've copied someone else's I'll try and remember to give them credit!

Thanks, Gemma Stephens

© Gemma Stephens

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Early morning preacher man - AKA The Sermonator...

We have a new friend at the Academy. I’ve not met him personally but he talks to me at least twice a week.. at 4.30 in the morning, usually accompanied by loud gospel music. 

It would appear that a local preacher has suddenly come into some funds and is now preaching the word of God to all of Tombo at 4.30am, usually lasting until about 6.30am. 

It may just be a coincidence, my cynical mind is inclined to disagree, but the over exuberant sermon tends to coincide with the local mosques call to prayer most mornings, and is certainly set at a volume to drown it out. Risky move considering the majority of the population are Muslim here.

The pastor accompanies his sermon with a personal good morning to CBF, while I appreciate the sentiment I’d rather he didn't wake me up to say good morning as it’s awfully hard to get back to sleep once he starts, particularly as he wakes the kittens up too and then they decide it is time to play.

The almost hilarious thing is that the church the sermon is coming from is nowhere near the Academy itself - its a good 5-10 minute walk away so I dread to think how loud it is for the people that live close by. I am hoping this is a passing phase and will soon disappear, I will keep you all posted but so far it’s not looking good!

Oh and I have forgotten to mention that his Sunday morning sermons are preceded with an all night party in Tombo as well so you count your lucky stars if you get any sleep on a Saturday night!!

I originally wrote this post at the end of January and since then the situation has only got worse. Now we get to endure the sound check the night before as well and the length of the sermons appears to be increasing. Not sure how much more the staff here can stand to be honest, if it was only once a week it wouldn't be so bad but its at least three times - more if he has the money for generator fuel. Or I need to buy some noise reducing comfortable headphones. 

Sadly we have tried to reason with him, several members of staff have gone to speak to him with little success so far.