The biggest threat for the people of Sierra Leone at the moment is lack of information, or even worse misinformation. Through my research I have come across some astounding claims about ebola - vinegar washes it away, raw onions keep you safe and even that the government is injecting people with Ebola to cull some of the population. Others believe Ebola is simply witchcraft. One things for sure, Ebola is real, Ebola is deadly.
The difficulty for me personally at the moment is that suspected cases, once detected, from around the country are transported to Kenema and Kailahun for testing and are then included in the statistics from Kenema or Kailahun. For example 2 cases were confirmed from Port Loko which is pretty close to us but are now included in the Kenema statistics as the patients were transported there. All of this makes it difficult to get an accurate picture of what is really happening and where cases are being located. I am hopeful that with my new found direct contacts I will be able to get better information going forward.
Latest WHO Update 08 July:
Confirmed - 269
Probable - 34
Suspected - 2
Deaths - 127
New case number between 03 and 06 July - 34 new cases and 14 deaths
Ministry of Health and Sanitation
Ebola Update July 8, 2014
For the 7th July 2014, a total of 9 samples were received by the Laboratory: Eight (8) samples from Kenema district and one (1) from Bo district. Four (4) of the 9 samples have been confirmed positive for Ebola: three (3) from Kenema and one (1) from Bo. The remaining five sample are all negative
One of the two laboratory pending results yesterday is now negative while 4 samples are still under processing in the laboratory
The cumulative number of Laboratory confirmed cases is 279 whiles confirmed death is 89
Ninety-four(94) cases are currently admitted at the treatment centers, 58 in Kenema and 36 in Kailahun
The cumulative discharged cases is 34
Line listing of contacts and monitoring of case contacts is on-going in districts with confirmed cases
Support has been given to the Paramount Chiefs in Kailahun and Kenema districts to engage their chiefdoms in sensitization, contact tracing and community cooperation